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Why learn to code?

Well, there is a lot of reasons why to do so, let's name just a couple:

  • Money. Let's be honest, high-tech salaries are extremely lucrative.πŸ’° Software developers get by far much more than the average statistical salaries. So moneywise it's really worth it.

  • Fun. It's really cool to be able to build something unreal, something that can be built out of nothing just because you are smart and you can. It's fun πŸŽ‰πŸŽˆ and very satisfying to feel that you make something people like to use, whether it is a mobile social application or a smart cyber security solution that protects digital assets.

  • Skies are not a limit anymore.Software is everywhere. Literally, every tiny thing in our life is turned out to be "smart" (glasses, tables, cars, and even kettles). SpaceX, Blue Origin πŸš€, and many other companies take it even further, they take us even to the space. Mindblowing, or let's say stellar software is one of the crucial parts of their solution.

  • High demand. Since there is a lot of companies that need software, there is a constantly growing demand for software developers. The rate of growing demand is so much higher than the rate of supply of new programmers, which leads to higher salaries and better working conditions. πŸ€‘

  • Supreme working conditions. Flexible working hours and even flexible geological positions (since the COVID-19 pandemic). One can work from different cities, countries, and even continents. Beer stands, gyms, playrooms, and more are only for those who work at the company's building🀣

  • Fabulous people.While working at a good company you meet a lot of great people. And by the nature of working in high tech one will change the place of work every 2-3 years, each time meeting a bunch of wonderful people, so it's a lot of new friends and interesting and useful connections.

What can you do with coding?

Practically everything you can imagine. First of all, if you'll learn to code you can start your new career as a software developer. Being a software developer you can choose between companies you always dreamed about. Let's say working at Apple 🍏, or maybe you are a fan of Elon Musk's Tesla πŸš— and you always dreamed to work on autonomous vehicles. If you are a person of small and agile companies with groundbreaking technologies, it's also an option. No? Then maybe you always wanted to be useful in healthcare, maybe sport-tech 🏈⚽, or even working in fintech companies on the next Bitcoin? Some are dreaming to start their own gaming or travel startups. With coding skills, you can do anything, anywhere, and anytime.

What careers can you go into with coding?

  • Full-Stack Developer Recommended
  • Data scientist
  • Back-End Developer
  • Cloud Engineer
  • Computer Systems Engineer
  • Web Developer
  • Front-End Developer
  • Software Application Developer
  • Computer Systems Analyst
  • Big Data Engineer
  • DevOps Engineer
  • and many more...

What is the best programming language to learn?

It's like asking what is the best car? The answer depends on your needs/priorities. The same is here for programming languages. It depends on the type of task one aims to complete.

  • Python Recommended
    • Back-End Development
    • Web servers
    • Data science

    One of the first programming languages in any charts. Python is very powerful, easy to deploy, widely used, and great for beginners. Python is a free open-source language with a well-developed community, which means there is a lot of useful help one can find on the internet if needed. Python is used in heavy computational applications, including tasks in artificial intelligence like machine learning and deep learning.

    Known products developed with this tool: Youtube, Instagram, i-robot, Autodesk, Civilization IV (game)

  • C#
    • Windows applications
    • Back-End Development
    • Web servers

    C#, just like Python is an object-oriented programing language. C# is the most used for the .NET framework (basically C# is best for it). Originally developed by Microsoft in 2000.

  • C / C++
    • Drivers
    • Operating Systems
    • Embedded Systems
    • Game Development

    C and C++ are respectively low and middle level general-purpose programming languages that are mostly used nowadays for writing drivers, operating systems, games, and other applications that require more control over hardware when the code runs. These languages are harder to learn for beginners.

  • NodeJS / Javascript
    • Web servers
    • Web browser applications
    • Game development

    Javascript is the most popular coding language in web applications around the world. According to w3techs: ~98% of all websites are using Javascript. Javascript is responsible for the logic of responsive web applications. It is a high-level programming language that is easy to learn and great for beginners. You usually learn Javascript in bundle with HTML and CSS as part of front-end development.

    Known products developed with this tool: Almost any imaginable web application

  • HTML
    • Web development

    HTML is responsible for displaying the content of web applications or web pages. HTML is usually used with CSS and Javascript. The syntax is very simple and easy to learn. HTML is one of the languages learned by full-stack developers.

  • CSS
    • Front-End
    • Web development

    CSS is a simple language that is used for web development and is responsible for a visual representation of web applications, such as color, font style, dimensions, and more. Recommended for full-stack developers.

  • React / ReactJSRecommended
    • Front-End
    • Web development
    • Mobile apps development

    React / ReactJS is a JavaScript library that allows easy and convenient development of Web Applications (Browser + Mobile). React is extremely famous for front-end development and is one of must-haves for front-end and full-stack developer. To learn React, one should first learn HTML, CSS, JavaScript.

  • Angular
    • Front-End
    • Web development
    • Mobile apps development

    Angular is a huge framework used for the same purposes as React. Many companies use Angular for their front-end, though it looks like React takes over Angular lately.

  • SQL
    • Databases
    • Back-End

    SQL is a language for working with databases. SQL is responsible to manage efficiently and safely the data of the application. Highly recommended for full-stack and back-end developers.

What is a full-stack developer?

A full-stack developer is a developer who is responsible for the back-end and front-end. The back-end or server-side is the logic of the application while the front-end or client-side is the face of application which is visible to the user. A full-stack developer has a set of skills and knowledge to create a whole software application and understands all it's aspects, that's why full-stack developers are highly valued.

What is the difference between a back-end developer and a full-stack developer?

A back-end developer is responsible only for the server-side logic, processes and database layers, while the full-stack developer has skills and is responsible both for the server-side (back-end) and client-side (front-end).

What is the difference between front-end developers and full-stack developers?

A front-end or client-side developer is responsible for the interaction with the user, while the full-stack developer is responsible not only for the client-side but also for the whole logic of the application, including databases.

Which technological stack is best to learn?

We believe the best stack for a developer should include the most popular and powerful languages and frameworks. And hence here is our top choice:

  • Python
  • Javascript
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • ReactJS
  • Django/Flask
  • SQL
  • AWS (Amazon Web Services)

What are the skills required for a full-stack developer?

A full-stack developer has to learn a lot of stuff and hence the required skills are:

  • Open-mind
  • Persistency
  • Good English
  • Basic mathematics

Which is best: to make a coding course or go to college/university and get a degree in computer science?

We always stand for deep knowledge and if you have the time and the budget for a Computer Science degree from a university or college, you definitely should do it. While a Computer Science degree provides a much wider and deeper understanding thanks to a whole variety of mathematician courses and theories, the degree does not provide coding experience. The programing course rather concentrates on the practical stage of programming. Having said that it is worth mentioning that in our history we saw students who successfully took programming full-stack courses while doing their degree in the university. Why? Because in the end, practical knowledge and experience are what companies looking for and it helps to find a job.

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